TEDxPSU - Ali Carr-Chellman - Bring Back the Boys: Using Video Games to Re-engage Boys in Learning - iplayphonegames.com

TEDxPSU – Ali Carr-Chellman – Bring Back the Boys: Using Video Games to Re-engage Boys in Learning

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Ali Carr-Chellman is an instructional designer and award-winning author who has focused on change, innovations, diffusion, user-design and school change in her work over the past two decades. She has worked at Penn State in the College of Education for the past 16 years in the department of Learning and Performance Systems. She works primarily with doctoral level students focusing on research and producing the next generation of faculty with inspired research ideas and methods. Carr-Chellman also teaches online courses focused on helping practicing teachers learn how to improve their own instructional design practices and how to improve their classrooms.

Carr-Chellman attended Ohio State University, where she studied elementary education. She then moved on to Syracuse, where she taught kindergarten and third grade. She discovered Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation, known as IDD&E, at Syracuse and earned her master’s degree in that field while working full-time at a Sylvan Learning Center as a director. Carr-Chellman decided that traditional elementary classrooms weren’t for her, in part because she was highly frustrated by the lack of innovation, agility, and ready change in traditional schools.

She has an infectious enthusiasm that carried her well into her doctoral program at Indiana University. Her most recent research projects live those values out by asking prisoners and homeless people to think about how to reform schools, bringing new voices to the policy-making table. 

She has recently taken the position of Head of the Learning and Performance Systems Department in the College of Education and is excited to work with the faculty and staff in her department through transparent leadership and shared governance.

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In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)


  1. Well degrees in fields that don't really have much value in the job market or even acedemia aren't equal to degrees that actually matter. Unfortunately girls tend to select former.

  2. @iamthelivingreciever thats not it at all. She states at the beginning that this is the general boy. No duh girls play but generally boys play more. And I dont know when you went to school but girls have far better programs to help them and girls have it in easier in schools with teachers. I work in a school so I should know.

  3. Alison – I'm a MEd student at UIC, writing a paper on your Global Perspective book. I looked you up & found this TEDxPSU video. I'm delighted. I have a kindergarten son, who fits into your framework… I've always intuitively felt your points were on target, just couldn't articulate it. Looking forward to new options for the DS & Wii !!

  4. Wow. This was really something. I went to college for 3D Animations/Video Game Design and it was the only time in my entire life where I felt comfortable and good at something. I actually felt smart! I would go on and on about how awesome my school was and I just never wanted to stop talking about it. It's an amazing feeling knowing you feel smart about something. My confidence in life definitely increased at that time. It was something else.

    If you have any other information on this I would

  5. love to read about it or anything really. I've always felt that video games were a good way to learn certain things and if my Middle/High School was anything like a video game I would have done exceptionally well in it in my opinion.

  6. Video games are not the problem, the way how society has been put is the problem..

  7. She misses the point entirely. The question really should be about why her stereotypical boy wants to write about violence and play with toy guns at such a young age. And the answer is that traditional ideas of masculinity encourage young boys to have power over another, especially through violence. And the importance of holding fast to these ideals of masculinity, and the punishments for violating them, have already been impressed upon boys by age 5. This is the real problem here.

  8. And the problem with her understanding of a lack of male teachers in elementary schools stems from an expectation of girls to identify with men and male figures in addition to their female role models (look at the entertainment industry in which 11 out of last year's 100 top grossing films had female protagonists), but boys are not expected, indeed they are pressured to not identify with women or with femininity.

  9. yes, i agree because there are less boys in college and most teachers cannot stand that boys are constantly moving.  The compressed curriculum is hurting all children.
    Thank you for sharing what I am thinking.
    an eduator

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