Super Mario Land (Game Boy Color) Playthrough - NintendoComplete -

Super Mario Land (Game Boy Color) Playthrough – NintendoComplete

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A playthrough of Nintendo’s 1989 Game Boy game, Super Mario Land.

This version of the game has been patched to support color when running on a Game Boy Color system. For more information on how to play this game in color, check out

I’ve always loved this game. I first got it when I got my Game Boy for Christmas back in 1989, and have played it so many times in the years since. I thought that the work that was done to colorize this was really neat and suited the game well, so I figured I’d record a video of it in case anyone else was interested. It does work just fine on a real Game Boy Color with a flashcart!

*The video was recorded using the GBC LCD shader in Retroarch to give it that classic old-school hardware look that we all remember so well.*

Just in time for Game Boy’s 30th birthday, toruzz has just released a brand-new colorized version that he calls Super Mario Land DX, and it’s an extremely impressive update. Be sure to check out my new recording of it here:

No cheats were used during the recording of this video.

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