Picking Up The Pip-Boy - In Every Fallout Game - iplayphonegames.com

Picking Up The Pip-Boy – In Every Fallout Game

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Views: 110712
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Picking Up The Pip-Boy For The First Time In Every Fallout Game Since 2008 – 2018

Every Pip-Boy Version From Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4 And Fallout 76 – Pip-Boy 3000, Pip-Boy 3000 Mark 4, Pip-Boy 2000 Mark 6 With Additional Info Commentary


  1. fallout 4 was arguably the best pickup scene of all the pip boys

  2. 2:33 After Two hundreads and few more years deactivated this thing still works with a push of button!!Originally this F4 pipboy belongs to Vault crews. overseer maybe?Vault door openings require the use of pipboy pluggings.2:54 have you ever trade a standard Pipboy 3000 to Pimp Boy Three Billion in New Vegas?

  3. Imagine a fallout game where a pip boy is a smart phone

  4. What's a Gregor counter? Does the MMA douche have another lookalike or something?

  5. The Fallout 76 Pip-Boy looks amazing, it reminds me of the Pip-Boy 2000
    I personally love that electronic buzzing ambiance at 0:461:07 and 1:392:01 , can you make separate videos out of those timestamps?

  6. missing features fallout 1,2 Pip boy 2500 and the Pimp boy 3 billion

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