New GAME BOY GAMES Reviewed - 3 physical releases! -

New GAME BOY GAMES Reviewed – 3 physical releases!

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Let’s take a look at three new Game Boy / Game Boy Color games: Dimeo’s Jukebox, Quest Arrest & Tobu Tobu Girl Deluxe
Dimeo’s Jukebox:
Quest Arrest:
Tobu Tobu Girl Deluxe:



My Video Gear & Equipment:
Sony FDR-AX53 4K camcorder :
Rode Shotgun microphone :
Audio Technica AT4033/CL (voice overs) :
STUDIO LIGHTS: Aputure Light Storm LS 1C
Headphones: Meze 99 Classics:

Computer: Apple iMac 27″ w/ Final Cut Pro X :
Elgato HD Game capture devices :

Background music by Metal Jesus Rocks and Ethan Meixsell


  1. I would have 2 be doing life in prison to have interest in playing any of these games

  2. Hi nice Video you have test Dragonborne for the GB.

    Its a Adventure Game from Spacebot Interactiv.

  3. There was another Gameboy game released in 2020 named Dragonborne. Its a RPG with a great story. High quality box and manual. Love playing it! They're even doing a second batch at the moment on the website

    I think you would really enjoy this!

  4. Bro, you HAVE to check out Deadeus, physical comes out next year. Horror RPG.

  5. This was a good one, love the upload, and your content

  6. “You’re trying to get as high as possible”

  7. I really dig the last two games, Quest Arrest and Tobu Tobu Girl

  8. They actually look pretty cool! Props to the developers. 😘

  9. No one:
    Not a soul:
    Literally nothing in this world:
    Blur effect: 3:54 I think im not gonna work today

  10. That is very cool that people are still making new Gameboy games on carts.

  11. This is why this channel is the best on YouTube . Every other YouTuber is making tons of boring played out ps5 videos trying to get views . Then we have MJR who is making game boy videos. Thank you man.

  12. This is awesome, but there is no way Nintendo is on board with this homebrew stuff, is there?

  13. Tobu Tobu Girl is one of the best Game Boy homebrews ever. I wholeheartedly recommend to check it out!

  14. That Jukebox album released as a game is such a cool idea. I love when people find new creative ways to make things for old systems.

  15. Quest Arrest is great. Me and my girlfriend would highly recommend!

  16. Quest arrest
    You can buy the game with the Box and instructions the first run is sold out but there's a second run you can buy just the cartridge with no box or you can pay a couple dollars and download the ROM itself you get a Windows version an Android version and a standalone ROM to use in an emulator they ask whatever you want to give for the ROM it's pretty neat I was going to get the game but I mostly play emulation so I just got the ROM

  17. $80 for a new gameboy game…. What the heck???

  18. I don't know if you've ever been told this. But you sound almost identical to Trey Parker. Its pretty cool

  19. Love that they do these things . A treat for those of us who love our retro consoles

  20. There is more new games.
    Checkout “Where is my body?”

  21. It's a different between making your own Game, or simple copy what's already there. This "Cop" Game that reminds on a Pokemon Game, looks for me, about a rip off hack. Even the Background Graphics are not even "tried" to look good with there oversized Pixelated Shapes.

  22. I just got a Gameboy Pocket with backlit screen. Gonna grab Quest Arrest for sure.

  23. ⛲💮💗🎋🌟🌠✨🎄🌙 God demonstrated His love to us by sending His Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life.

    He also promised to heal your body.

    (Look up at the sky and ask God)

  24. Love to see those things. The love and passion for physical games will never end!


  25. Love that ur vids are sponsored by a bakery

  26. wtf? I'm subscribed and this was never in my subscription box

  27. Peanut Man’s Emporium Of Random Crap says:

    Buyer beware with Quest Arrest. My box arrived damaged due too how it was handled.

  28. "she's trying to rescue her cat for some weird reason" well damn. what's she supposed to do, just leave the cat stranded up there?

  29. 🤔…This is pretty fricking cool, but are these official Nintendo releases…❓❓❓

  30. Love how you said “gonna have to blur out the language” missed a spot on 3:57
    Which is fitting 🤣

  31. I like how at least two of these three games use the default text box outline from GB Studio…

    Not that I'm knocking anything. I'm trying to figure out GB Studio myself to make a platformer. That's the only reason I noticed the text borders in the first place. And damn… gotta say, this shit's hard to learn. I can't even get the damn thing to change scenes when I press a button. Meaning I can't even get the game to start when I get to the title screen, nor can I get a pause menu to come up. Yay. If I can't even figure that shit out, there's no way I'm gonna figure out the entire rest of the game. Point values, lives and health, beating a level, changing scenes to a transition, loading a next level. Nothin.

  32. Pine Creek has a Physical release now too.

  33. Super Jetpak DX, Where is my Body? and Powa!!!

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