McDonald's All American Boys Game Highlights -

McDonald’s All American Boys Game Highlights

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West with the 105-102 win. Video courtesy of McDonald’s All American staff.


  1. Shoutout to Theo Pinson on signing with the Brooklyn Nets. One of the few players to stay all four years in school, along with Joel Berry, Grayson Allen, and Reid Travis, who is a grad transfer at Kentucky now.

  2. Can't wait to see Justin Jackson do work for the tar heels. I got the chance to play in the same tournament as his team this year, he is a homeschooler!

  3. Does anybody know the name to the beat played at 5:00 minutes left in the second half? The beat starts when mudiay has the ball at 5:07.

  4. Crazy how a majority of the ones playing are in the nba now

  5. Y is booker wearing his shorts so damn high 😭😂😭😂😭😂😭😂

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