John Salley: Video Games is Why You Have 40 Year Old "Boys" who Still Live at Home (Part 19) -

John Salley: Video Games is Why You Have 40 Year Old “Boys” who Still Live at Home (Part 19)

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Part 1:
In the final clip, John Salley responded to Chuck D blaming MTV for extending teenage years to 35-years-old. DJ Vlad and Salley discussed people failing to have real careers well into their 30’s in addition to Vlad mentioning college classmates who still live with their mothers.

Salley believes that video games and increasing gender equality have contributed to the change in society’s expectations. Salley added that because of the scarcity of jobs and young adults not having a real life plan in their late teens, they shouldn’t go to college or work until their 25-years-old.