15 Hunkiest Video Game Boys 2019-2020 - iplayphonegames.com

15 Hunkiest Video Game Boys 2019-2020

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It’s that time of year once again where people either *pretend* to like Valentine’s Day or don’t have anyone to celebrate it with. One thing we can GUARANTEE however, is everyone wants to marvel at the beautiful and hunky boys video gaming has brought us over the last year. It’s the sequel we’ve all been talking about.

VO: Peter Austin (@ThatPeterAustin) and Ben Potter (@Confused_Dude)
Script: Peter Austin (@ThatPeterAustin) and Ben Potter (@Confused_Dude)
Video Editor: James Jenkins (@Jenx_137)

#UntitledGooseGame #JediFallenOrder #Borderlands3


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  1. this is the nastiest i've ever heard Tiny Peter….jeeeezz….

  2. you really are strange boys at time but i love you all the more lolz

  3. I'm having a flashback to where the labo fishing rod was going….

    Bleach please.

  4. If i had Richard to slap, i totally would after that 😂💜💜

  5. No Mads Mikkelsen's character from Death Stranding? What a silver fox, perfect for a daddy kink! And think of the potential joke about having fun repeatedly trying to make another BB…

    (granted, all I know of Death Stranding is from what you boys played, but that's all I need to see to perv on the characters, right?)

  6. Tiny Peter! What are you doing in that cockpit?

  7. This made my day. Keep doing what you're doing.

  8. They knew it was going to get demonetized so they just went for it, and I think that slaps Richard.

  9. Is this what it feels like to be hit on…..cause I'm uncomfortable.

  10. Will there be a corresponding list for the laydays?

  11. This video nearly triggered me because of the tesco value striped booze. When I was younger I once drank 3/4 of a bottle of tesco value scotch in an hour (after being dumped) and my friend had to call an ambulance.

  12. Missed opportunity! You said Hunk. Not …. HUNK!! Like the last time… shit!😖

  13. If Dante is not in this list, you boys have fucked up

  14. Me: Hey friends, you got to check out Triple Jump
    Friends: Watches this video
    Me: …
    Friends: …
    Me: Not sorry.

  15. Why are two dudes talking about hunky video game guys? Jesus Christ. I KNEW IT from that dumb ass thumbnail you guys use on your Worst Games Ever. GROSS!

  16. I question how many times you had to record this without laughing. Lovely descriptions of these "hunky" boys.

  17. I know it's not the point but… apron and hat <3

  18. how drunk did the boyos get filming this one

  19. You forgot "Ban Potter". His restrictions on puns and misuse of power is so sexy. He also is very similar to a Blonde Pro-Gamer Man we all know here.

  20. I appreciate that Ben and Peter felt this list was TOO important to leave to other writers…

  21. How did you put Deadman and not Diehardman :-O

  22. i hope that this was as uncofortable to record as it was to listen to.

  23. The finger up the bum was a bit much for me

  24. I always look forward to this list, they get thirstier and filthier each time AND is a window to the boys' secret desires. Necrophilia? Bestiality!? Why am I not surprised anymore cOuGHs

    And the puns!!! Someone ban these boys ASAP

    (Leon and Sekiro are on my 2019 hunklist too though, wonder if they've actually seen all the lovely…definitely safe for work fanart on Twitter
    ( * ´∀`*) heh)

  25. Gatekeeper from Fire Emblem: Three Houses was robbed

  26. Hahahaha lion and then a jet? You guys are nerds! Hahaha

  27. My life can now be split into before 9:33 and after 9:36 because I am forever changed after "There's a snake in my butt."
    (The seconds in between don't count as my "life" since I was categorically dead throughout)

  28. Have y'all ever done a female version to this list?

  29. sir daniel fortesque is number 15
    …i hope this means on boys you want to smooch not boys you want to–

  30. How come you don't play fully objectify women the way you objectify these men

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