⚽️Boys VS Girls PLAYOFF Indoor Soccer Game 2019 ⚽️ Utah Surf 07 vs Celtic East 07
Tayden Dyches
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Tayden plays in his 2nd to last indoor soccer game for this league. Tayden earns a hat trick scoring 3 goals in this game.
#soccer #hattrick #kids
#soccer #hattrick #kids
Tayden Dyches is currently 11 years old and in 5th Grade. He is the oldest child of the Dyches Fam, a family that has been vlogging on YouTube for 5 years.
Tayden loves playing sports such as baseball, basketball, football, soccer, and wrestling. He also loves his family, playing with his little sister and brothers, playing with friends, playing video games, playing with toys, and going on adventures.
Be sure to follow Tayden on social media: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter:
* For all business inquires, please use the email located in the channel about section.
* This channel is ran by his parents and all media is owned by Dyches Fam, LLC.